Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy where an moxa stick which made from the dried leaves of Artemesia vulgaris, is burned and used to indirectly heat specific acupuncture points or regions of the body. The Chinese character "Jiu" is used to describe the art of moxibustion, and literally means 'to scar with a burning object'. Moxibustion does not now involve scarring, but moxa is still used to provide local heat over acupuncture points.
Acupuncture and moxibustion are considered complementary forms of treatment, and are commonly used together. Moxibustion is usually used for the following ailments such as pain which aggravated by cold and damp, chronic fatigue, poor circulation, asthma, certain types of paralysis, fetal incorrect positions like Breech fetus, some arthritic disorders and so on.